Writing is such a big part of our lives today that we can never sit back and think about the world without writing again and again with a lot of one-on-one automatically and almost exclusively associated with its linguistic and literacy aspect, which is the representation of language visually and interestingly by default (and almost identical). education, refinement, and development. Language itself is beginning to be identified primarily with its language city in the world, uneducated (and as a result, it is often degraded as linguistic), it goes all the way in the form of alphabets or faces extinction eventually. While it is unlikely that scientific advances in today's world would one day bring easy access to the eternal texts of language by word of mouth (uneducated?), It is unlikely that literacy would be completely useless at any time.



   Whatever the shape, form, writing, and writing serve two purposes as we know it. One is to transform the language from its oral form into a clear and thus visual representation of communication and another to prioritize what is said or said in a long-lasting and lasting way these purposes have been established, and perhaps brought about one thing so to say and read and write with. came up with the idea of ​​grammar, which is the unwritten agreement among all speakers of the need to accept the writing of the language as a standard translation of the language.


    It is a well-known fact that in a spoken language all languages ​​are often different in their use and perhaps no language has a logical number of speakers with a single spoken form. of Writing that the written version of a language has tried to disregard the differences between these languages (sometimes even unintelligible). The standard text type will be shared, accepted, and understood by all speakers. (Therefore, if the spoken Lebanese Arabic is not well-spoken in Moroccan, Classical Arabic will be shared by both of them equally, Awadhi may not understand the Bhojpuri speaker, but they both understand ordinary (written) Hindi.

   Also, linguistic diversity can reflect diversity in terms of two other dimensions: social and literary. Different social classes (even Indians?) May differ in their spoken languages, but the main feature of written language attempts is to override these variations of style, however, it is necessary for all written and spoken language and chosen style at any time depending on the context and the context, purpose, background, and type of communication, At least five different styles have been identified and (1) Frozen (How to do it / It is a privilege to meet you); (2) Orderly (I really enjoyed meeting you); (3) Reasoning (How are things going?); (4) casual (How die!); and (5) intimate (0i, yu!). Such a style variation is not limited to spoken language but can also be reflected in written language and as the following example will show in two parts, the general context of frozen language use will be court cases and intimate style will be communication between family members. Below is an example of how the same message can be conveyed in 5 different styles:

Frozen: Delegates are expected to enter the highway using the stairs.

Organized: Everyone kindly moved up the stairs

Consultation: Please let people go up the stairs now?

Generally: Please, time to go up

Intimate: Get up and go, guys

  The key point to keep in mind here is that speech is known as social and diversity and the language of change is considered to be limited, the same as the only one. This difference is not only in the way of thinking and the whole organization of knowledge.


 Perhaps a good start would be to point out the differences between spoken and written forms of physical and formal language to make us aware of not only the obvious legal differences but also the differences in the fundamental process of ideas between the two and therefore in the case of English in India (unlike native speakers). the written version begins as an example without too many productive oral communication situations outside of perhaps in the classroom this makes it important for those English students to fully understand the differences in structure and function between spoken and written English and the differences in style in both.

  First of all, this method of speech production may appear spontaneously with very little mental planning. If it is the first human language, then it is found naturally and is part of the human mind's excessive integration of written language as official writing requires careful consideration and spoken is probably less than the second language if human speech and writing are almost identical.). secondly, the spoken language has a low lexical density and a small range of simple communication vocabulary while the written language has a wide range of polysyllabic alphabet and straightforward words that produce more relevant and embedded sentences that one can talk about how good firefighters can extinguish a large fire quickly. I could write a report on how a non-explosive fire could be successfully prevented as the explosion was professionally managed and eliminated the well-reacted Fire Brigade's response.

   Second, while speech may have a formal written language it is expected to consistently be expressed consistently inappropriate grammatical sentences. It becomes more complicated when a person enters a speech structure and organizes information in a common language in a spoken language tends to expect long-term communication and long-term consolidation to maintain overall unity and if there is a problem in a single understanding it can always find the necessary connection by backing or asking back (Speeches like sorry did not find out then? What does that mean? It can remove unwanted connections). Written language other than either by email or by text messaging is not compatible so one should make sure that everything is clearly expressed in a formal systematic communication if necessary using clear global integration and connectors as a result, however, moreover, etc. and there is a point related to common expression. that while speech relies heavily on prediction (pronunciation of action), writing places high interest in pronunciation (pronunciation). In simple terms, spoken language tells a story by action while written language tells a story in nouns the example below (even if it is done) will try to convey this point.


    A significantly interesting thing about writing is that although it may have started as an alternative and maybe a secondary associate form of the spoken language of today seem to have attained an independent status. We can argue that writing has attained the status of not just as an independent autonomous human means of communication, an activity worth looking at sui generic

Writing can be looked at broadly in terms of two categories: creative writing and non-creative writing the category section is conveniently arbitrary rather than empirically justifiable since there can be no writing that is totally uncreative and since all kinds of writing share the common constituents of purpose and audience orientation, in general, creative writing refers is the result of the authors free expression of their thoughts and feeling in an imaginatively creative manner generically it covers thing like novels plays, short stories memories biographies scripts, poetry, speeches (texts that will generally be classified in the category of literature). The main outcome of creative writing material is public entertainment and mental enjoyment through the imaginative and constructive representation of human thoughts this genre differs from non-creative writing mainly in the fact that the product and process are not controlled greatly by any required adherence to structural or procedural form or pattern conventions. The writers are relatively free to exercise their unbridled linguistic creativity. The appreciation and success of the end product are to the reader public at large even so there may well be broad patterns of mental dispositions and generic conventions, an awareness of which may help the writers’ creativity to be more effective in its functioning and thus make the ultimate outcome more appealing to the readers' several universities the world over are now offering courses in creative writing, which obviously means that even creativity is not something that is inherent but is or has something that can be taught and learned.


  Non-creative writing can generally be divided into three general categories loosely called Descriptive/narrative, persuasive, and expository writing this distinction is by no means clearly distinct or mutually exclusive and it is difficult to allocate texts exclusively into any category, and features, methods, and styles can and do overlap. The descriptive/Narrative more or less states or records an event or incident (real or fictional), often incorporation the author's subjective emotions (e.g. minutes, crime reports, etc.). we shall concentrate more on the latter two as they perhaps require greater cultivated skills besides, although they actually share similar mental processes and often similar intentions and motivations similar internal structuring of information,  and similar processing modus operandi the title persuasive refers to the objective or purpose while the name expository refers to the nature of the presentation this means that while persuasive writing uses an expository approach towards its content material expository writing can, though not always, have a persuasive intent


  Influential writing is what is written to persuade clients, customers, people, and the general public to accept a particular idea and is designed to convince the reader to take action. It is a preferred method and is often required in advertising campaigns, where marketing seeks to convince you that you have bought something or that organizations want to win on their side. But it can also be used in a number of other contexts and one example of persuasive writing is the propaganda of marketing books that show leaflets promotional material reviewing editorial complaints and more. It is very important that in these days of growing popularity and influence, etc.

  It uses language cunningly and cunningly not only by choosing words wisely but also by subtly using the relationship of ideas between language structure and the process of emergence that we remove. For example, the four sentence problems in the Sino-India border dispute between China and India have resurfaced and The border and the Indian border force fire back in defense all speak of the same event but are clearly not from the Chinese media as all sentences have words and are structured ideologically elevating India as a victim or at least as analysts of non-initiative rhetoric can argue that even the first two sentences, that seemingly impartial and non-discriminatory prima facie puts the disabled in the china by calling them first as human beings are usually given greater responsibility it's China

2.  It is very sensitive to the direction of language features such as register, domain type, etc. Not only do they control the choice of jargon and the language used but also the availability and organization of general information. [Examples of Register / Background are medicine, law, science, computers, religion, politics, theater, garden, journalism, carpentry, etc. Examples of this type are abbreviations, quotes, articles, news reports, books, books, paper recommendations, restart, etc.] are the context of registers and domains that provide proper import guidance and word order. For example, 'oenologist, the use of a funny shaver electric shaver for a funny person, etc. The thesaurus can give the name ten identical words, but only a wise writer knows that there are almost no true and complete words and that a little misinterpretation can defeat his convincing purpose just as a good inspiring writer also needs to know exactly what piece he is writing. For example, when writing an essay story, the general needs of the structure dictate that there should be an event with events and results to comment on evaluation and consideration, and that part of the event should have a major event against the background




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